If you’re new to the Birmingham Cycling Club, you may want to find out a little more about us. Well, our history is an interesting one. We wanted to start up the club to bring people in the city together. Cyclists are often marginalised as we are accused of taking over the roads – but, this club wants to fight back on that idea. We also wanted some way to bring together those who share the same passion as us. So, the Birmingham Cycling Club was born.
We also started our own website and magazine to encourage people to find out what really is so special about cycling. What’s better than having the wind blowing over you and speeding through the countryside? We have a few jokey features, news articles and, of course, a whole host of events which you can check out on our events page – we regularly promote the UK Cycling Events website as they’ve always served us well and have given us great deals since the very beginning!
Currently, our members are only around 20 people. We know each other well and share in this passion together. We do focus on racing, timed events and being as speedy as possible. However, don’t let that put you off as we have a history of being inclusive or everybody – no matter your age or ability. Please send us a quick message with a bit about you and your abilities before signing up and we can get in touch and know you better.
Better yet, one of our favourite events is a training camp which takes place every year. Are you interested in making new friends in the city? Then why not head over and check out our other social media pages.
Membership is usually £20, but we are offering new members the great deal of just £10 as we’d like to build up our club and branch out a little more. You are also encouraged and welcome to sign our guestbook so we can get to know you better. Come over, bring your bike and get to know us better too.
We are also trying to build up our site with images from the latest races and want to expand what we’re offering, showing you some of the events in your area and what you can achieve if you put your mind to it and begin cycling on a regular basis. What better way to get fit? We started out as just a small group of friends and have grown since then, however, we’d like to encourage more people of every gender, age, sexuality, race, ability etc. to join the sport, diversify our group and mingle with other brummies in the city.